Sunday, June 25, 2017


A great movie and costume night at SNAP.  Wonder Woman was there in mass, Harry Potter and Buzz Lightyear, Mickey Mouse and the BYU Cougar and of course Captain America.  We also watched the movie "Big Hero 6" and enjoyed  Pop-Corn and Provo Light (water).  

Monday, June 19, 2017


A wonderful talent night at SNAP and such a talented group; singing, dancing, magic, and trophies, crafts and acrobats and show and tell. We laughed and applauded and some even brought a tear to the eye as we heard heartfelt thanks for our Father in Heaven.  We are blessed with so many wonderful talents He has given us, all unique and happily shared for others to enjoy.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Happy Father's Day

Hamburgers, baked beans, salad, watermelon, root beer and soft serve ice cream... how could it be anything but a Happy Father's Day celebration.
The participants introduced their guests to us all. It was so nice to meet those who so tirelessly support and care for our friends. There were portraits taken in front of backdrops of their choice, BYU or that other school.

After eating, those that wanted to, played lawn games. There was bocce ball, Nerf guns, ball tosses and a lot of opportunity to visit and get to know each other. A good time was had by all. Thanks to all who participated and helped put the event together.