Sunday, July 30, 2017


Another great activity... we sang songs, did a little dancing around, watched a funny movie clip of snow adventures and mishaps, made artificial snow, made snowflakes (none of them were the same:) and had a great snowball fight and blasted a few leaders! No one was cold! Amazing!  Thanks to all who participated.

Sunday, July 23, 2017


Who would have thought baking could be so interesting, spiritual, fun and inspiring?

"The Mighty Baker" owner Pete Tidwell shared his adventure to fulfill his dream to be a baker and how following your dream can lead to a wonderful life and make others happy as well. He also brought us some wonderful treats from his "Mighty Baker" We loved it!

Also, brother Jim Woodard showed us the movie "Veggietales" and that was fun too!  Sister Woodard brought  a veggie dish that was shaped like an owl; Brother and Sister Trammell brought a carved frog watermelon filled with mixed fruit. All was happily devoured and again another wonderful evening at Provo SNAP! Thanks to all.