Thursday, January 29, 2015

Movie Night

Thursday evening, on the 29th of January, everyone gathered at the Locust Lane building for a night of movies. The movie was actually more like a slide show, but lots of fun. It is always great to see pictures of our fun activities from the past few months. Brother Leishman put all the pictures together to make the "movie." He chose great music to accompany the pictures and some people almost got up and danced. During the intermission, everyone had popcorn and a drink of cool water. We always have such a good time when we get together with our friends.

 Brother Burns got things started in the gathering room

 We listened as he explained the activity

 Then it was off to get a front-row seat

 All the activities on the big screen

 We watched with interest

Plenty of room on this side

The music made the pictures even better

 We loved seeing pictures of our SNAP friends

It's fun to point out pictures of us and our friends

 Brother Leishman ran the show

 Sister Burns served the water

The pause that refreshes

What's a movie without popcorn?

 SNAP friends

Lean in just a little bit for the picture

Happiness in a paper bag

You caught me with my mouth full

New friends and old friends

How about some rabbit ears?

Yes, it's good

The popcorn is great, but I loved the music and maybe danced in my seat just a little

You can't hide behind that tiny bag of popcorn

Happy to be here

 Almost ready for the second half

 Sisters Taylor and Leishman had a good time

Time to go home but we'll see you next week

Friday, January 23, 2015

Indoor Carnival

Thursday evening, 22 January, the Locust-Lane chapel was home to a rip-roaring carnival. There was a fish pond, two kinds of ring toss, a pitching event, a Nerf-gun shoot, a bean-bag toss, table bowling, and popcorn and lemonade for everyone. Each SNAP participant received a card to tick off the events as they played so nobody missed a chance to do everything. And, as always, there was lots of good fun visiting with friends. Brother Welsh joined us and we were happy to meet Sister Burns too.

 Orihah conducted the opening gathering

 Everyone had a games card

It was great to have Sister Burns with us for the first time

 Being together is the best because we love to be with our friends

 Brother and Sister Bohn managed the fish pond

 You never know what you will catch

 Brother and Sister Geurts ran one of the ring tosses

 Brother and Sister Wride worked the other ring toss

 Brother and Sister Norris help the bowlers

 Sister Taylor had a bag full of bean bags

 Brother and Sister Leishman kept the Nerf guns loaded and ready

 What would you like to do next?

 Good throw!

 Happy faces all around

 Okay, now just pull the trigger

 Let it roll

 Andrea was kind enough to gather the bags after they were tossed

 Knock 'em down

 We don't mind sitting on the floor

 He's not afraid to shoot, so watch out!

 Colorful rings and pegs

 Enough popcorn for all

 Good toss!

 Fishing, eating popcorn, and posing

 Lemonade to go with your popcorn

 Yup, that's popcorn

 And that's lemonade

 Somebody should be a pitcher

 Dead eye

 Look what Elder Johns caught

 We "aim" to please

 Look who got two rings on one peg

 This fan from the fish pond is "cool"

 You have to be sneaky to get a picture of Serena

 When all the fun was finished, the parents came to get us

 Hope you had a good time

 Parents got to meet the Burns

Thanks for coming; see you next week