Thursday, May 28, 2015

Missionary Night

On the evening of 28 May, the Locust Lane building was brimming with missionary-kind-of things. SNAP friends heard from some of their peers who have served or are going to serve missions. The Santiagos explained how to be a missionary by doing all kinds of good. Next came a missionary scavenger hunt around the building. Each item on the list was something missionaries do, so we did them too. Missionaries love to eat, so we had refreshments to finish the evening. And the basketball shooting went on until the bitter end.

 Sister Burns wore a very funny haiku shirt to remind us of last weeks fun poetry fest

 This fine man told us about his mission with Church Floral Services

 He looked every bit a missionary

 The Santiagos explained how to do missionary work without being a full-time missionary

 Brother Santiago strokes his chin thoughtfully

 SNAP friends had lots of ideas about how to do good

 This great young woman is excited to serve in Baltimore, Maryland

 Here is the list of things to find and do on our scavenger hunt

 The groups begin to form and head out on the hunt

 Missionaries walk A LOT, so we walked around the building

 Keep on truckin'

 Missionaries talk to people at the door -- Brother Santiago is waiting for missionaries to knock

 We found Preach My Gospel in the Nursery!

 More folks walking around the building on a beautiful evening

 The photographer caught Sister Norris mid sentence

 Brother Burns wondered what LDS meant when these missionaries knocked on his door

 Describing what was in this photo of a Sacrament Meeting

 Missionaries love to play basketball on P-Day, so we shot some hoops

 Another group of missionaries tries to get Brother Burns to come to church

 I believe they convinced him

 More pictures, this time in the Media Center, as you might expect

 Go for the basket!

 She is ACE!

 Treats for everyone when we finished our lists

 Miraculously, none of these got on the floor

 These two have serious skills

 The best part about SNAP is being with friends

 And visiting

 And posing

 And just having fun

These guys were the last ones out of the hall

Yet another great and fun activity. Thanks to all who participated and helped.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Poetry Night

The 21st of May found all our SNAP friends gathered at the Locust Lane building for a rip-roaring poetry night. It turns out that everyone loves poetry of some sort and everyone was engaged and entertained -- almost rolling on the floor in some cases. Brother Burns gave us an introduction to poetry and basic poetry forms. Brother and Sister Taylor read some nursery rhymes and told the sometimes horrifying stories behind them. Brother and Sister Santiago and Brother and Sister Wride shared some poetry.  And the Leishmans, the Geurts, and Sister Burns also entertained us with some more poetry. And at the end of the evening, we each got to write poems of our own and some of us read them to the group in our "poetry cafe."

 An evening of poetry

 Brother Burns makes us laugh

 Everyone wanted to talk about poems the liked; this particular story involved jelly beans in the nose

 The Taylors told us about the plague and rosy-ring rashes

 Mary Mary was quite contrary so she killed the English Protestants

 Sister Wride shared a patriotic poem

 Momma doesn't want a dog

 Cinderella isn't so interested in the prince and will just give the glass slipper back

 Sister Leishman is being eaten by boa constrictor

 Pretty darned funny

 Sister Geurts is pushing a swing in her poem

 In this poem someone got kissed!

 I don't know why she swallowed a fly

 Perhaps she'll die!

 Now you repeat your part

No writers block here

 Pick up those pencils and let the words just flow


 Poets at work, do not disturb!

These are going to be good!

 These lovely ladies are seeing who all is present

A Titanic-themed poem was first up in our Poetry Cafe

 A poem about a SNAP buddy

 Some poems were of the romantic kind

 Some of these could be for Valentines

 A poem about a friend who just happens to be a boy

 One more about a guy

 Some of the poems were more spiritual in nature

 This was spiritual, too

 Such excitement

 We were poets and we didn't even know it

 This one included some wild animal sounds

 An impromptu tribute to mom

 An ode to dolls

The final poem of the evening

This was an absolutely great activity! Thanks to all the adult leaders and SNAP poets for making it so much fun.