January 8, we met at the Locust Lane Chapel for a combined SNAP activity: a super-fun dance. RB was the DJ. (Thanks Brother Bean.) President Billeter, Counselor in the Provo Utah East Stake Presidency (our host stake) joined us. The hall was rocking right from the first dance on through the evening. What a great time we had with all our SNAP friends.
RB the DJ cranking out some tunes
Sister Taylor managed the refreshment table
And so the dance began
Moving to the music
Friends are the best
You can even move to the music while sitting down
Good fun
Everybody joined in
Rolling to the beat
We danced a reel
Keep that line moving
Men on the right, women on the left
Strike a pose
Some guys even had two partners
Some folks really get down
Loving the dance
Moving to the beat
Handsome wallflowers
Everyone loves the Chicken Dance
Plenty of visiting too
Surf dancing to the Beach Boys
Busting a move
We'll sit this one out
I know, right?
Brother Taylor is always in your face
You can move as fast or slow as you like
Motorized limbo
Proper limbo
Creative limbo
Joyful limbo
"It's fun to stay...
"... at the Y-
Happy faces all around
So who doesn't love to dance?
But sometimes it feels good to rest for a minute
May we join you down there?
Now that's a helpful partner
You do the Hokey Pokey (with your parents)
That's what it's all about!