Thursday evening the Locust Lane building was brimming with valentines for family, former leaders, and all our SNAP friends. Everyone met together for a fun-filled night of crafts and sharing. All the supplies were ready and waiting to make valentines and each person had a bag that doubled as a mailbox for friends to fill with messages of friendship. Everyone had a chance to make a hand print on some extra large cards to share with some special friends.
It all started in the gathering room where Andrea conducted
Sister Burns gave us our marching orders
The tables were all set and waiting for us
Come in and choose a table
This group is ready, too
Go ahead and choose some stickers
Now you can make some valentines
The bags are ready to receive the special messages
Just slip them inside
Just like that
The hand prints are the messy, fun part
Sister Taylor slathered on the paint
Press down to make a print
Luckily the paint came right off: no muss no fuss
There was a little bit of time for imitating wild jungle animals
Who needs a chair?
This is going to be a good one
Good night -- see you in a week