Saturday, March 7, 2015

Human Foosball and Chair Bowling

Thursday evening, March 5, the combined activity for all our SNAP friends was a rousing night of human foosball and chair bowling. The activity took place at the Locust Lane chapel. It will be clear when you look at the pictures, that everyone had a great time.

 Starting to gather

Jordan is taking care of businees

 Off to the cultural hall

 Brother Burns is almost ready to throw in the ball


Keep the ball moving

Keep your eye on the ball

Grab the rail

 It's coming this way

What if the ball doesn't get back this far?

 Nice kick!

 Cheering section

Brother Burns setting up the "pins"

 Human bowling

 I like Brother Welsh's technique

 OK, I trust you

Ready to strike

This is great!

Scary but fun

You have to hold your mouth just right

Launched and rolling fast

Pick up your feet!

Mighty push

Comin' in!

A Sister-Leishman launch

Great aim!

 This is intense!

 Nice move, dude!


 Ready for a final push?

 Right on target

It's gonna be a strike!

More fun than real bowling

Such a great activity. We had so much fun, especially bowling. Special thanks, yet again, to Brother Leishman for all the great photos.