Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Young Ambassadors

March 26, The Young Ambassadors from BYU gave all our SNAP friends an evening of music, dance, entertainment, and love. Randall Boothe, their director, was kind enough to bring them again this year. We were also really pleased to have some special visitors. Brother and Sister Peck came back and spent the evening with us. We got to meet Christopher Phillips and his children. Brother Phillips is Manager of Disability Services for the church. We were glad to have Brother and Sister Morris, who direct a special-needs program in American Fork, join us. It was a special evening we look forward to all year.

 Good friends gathered before the activity

 Orihah conducted

 We were able to visit with the the Young Ambassadors as we came in

 Brother and Sister Morris with Sister Johns

 Brother Phillips and his children

 It is always great to see former SNAP leaders like the Pecks

 The performance starts

 This is a lively bunch

 They clearly enjoy what they do

 An impromptu performer

 A fun duet

 This is entertainment

 And we enjoyed it

 Okay, everybody get up and dance

 Choose a partner

The hall was full of great dancers

This is great

 That's a pretty fancy bit of dancing

Enthusiasm is contagious

 SNAP is great fun

 We love it when we get to see Sister Johns

 Doin' the Hokey Pokey

 Brother Boothe at the piano

 Brother Phillips has some good moves

 The performance finished on a more serious note

 Signing to accompany some hymns and Primary songs

 We could feel the love these performers brought with them

The love they shared made us feel emotional

 It was wonderful to have them mingle with us

 Brother Boothe reminded us that we are all God's children

 We love having them come

 Elder Johns spoke to us at the close

 The Young Ambassadors' photographer took a group shot

 It probably looks a lot like this

Nobody wanted to go home - they lingered and took photos

Thanks to everyone who made this such a great evening. We loved it.