A Night in the Museum (Sort Of)

Well, we didn't spend the night in the museum, but the museum came to us. Thursday 6 August Nathan, from the Monte L. Bean Museum at BYU, came to SNAP with three of his animal friends. It was great fun and educational at the same time. While Nathan got ready Sister Burns read to us from the scriptures about the creation, and SNAP friends shared personal experiences with animals.

 Sister Burns reads from Genesis

 With some help from our friends

 Ready to see some animals

 This is going to be interesting

 We learned how animals depend on each other for survival

 A little reassurance from a friend

 This little guy is Thunder

 He's a box turtle

 We got to touch a couple of the animals

 The hard shell is for protection

 Just a gentle touch

 An alligator?

 Nope, it's a blue tongued Australian skink

 His name is PJ and his blue tongue is for protection

 Nathan with Monte

 Monte is a Ball Python

 Some of our SNAP friends are afraid of snakes, but not Nathan

Nothing to fear here

That's not so scary

The beautiful pattern in her skin is camouflage for protection in the wild

Pretty exciting

Look who just got back from Nauvoo

Thanks to Nathan for sharing, and thanks to everyone who came and enjoyed the evening with us.