Thursday evening, 27 August, the cultural hall at the Locust Lane chapel was filled with "treasure chests" from BYU's Museum of Peoples and Cultures. Sister Woodard and Brooke brought tubs filled with artifacts from Native American peoples and from peoples of the Pacific Isles. We were given descriptions of the objects and then we guessed which object matched the description. Tables at each end of the hall were spread with many interesting artifacts. Our color groups rotated from one table to the other as we studied the array of wonderful treasures. At the end of the guessing games and explanations there were a few minutes left to learn how to do a small part of the hula dance. It was a fun and educational evening.
Leg transplant? Brother Burns is a tease!
Sister Woodard got us started with some geography
Then we headed to the cultural hall
Native American artifacts on a Pendleton blanket
More good artifacts on the south table
All ready to start the guessing game
One table at this end, one at the other end
Touching helps to understand
Indian corn
A duck decoy
Sister Woodard explains the cradle board
A tiny leather loin cloth for men: not much there
Brooke made sure Brother Santiago got to touch the pottery
You look fabulous in that beaded vest
Okay, everybody switch tables
Polynesian artifacts...
On both tables
Serena helped Brooke
Four-shilling note from Tonga
Brother Welsh knew some interesting things about the white breadfruit leaves
SNAP friends wearing leis...
And, of course, posing
The fan really helps to keep you cool
Good buddies
Someone couldn't even wait for the picture to take off his lei
Sister and Brother Chambers and friend
A super-quick hula lesson
Yup, that's it
Good instruction up front
Thanks to Sister Woodard and Brooke for their great planning and presenting, and to everyone who came and enjoyed.