Street Dance

Thursday evening, 20 August, as the sun dropped behind the Locust Lane chapel, our SNAP friends met outside for a lively street dance. We blocked off part of the parking lot and had a ready-made outdoor dance venue! Brother Bean, who is always so good to help us, was our DJ once again.

 SNAP friends

 Almost ready to begin

 No cars through here, please

 Let the dance madness begin

 These women have the moves

 I know, right?

 Peace out

 King of the dance floor

 That's one fantastic spinner

Some people were just born to dance

 Everyone enjoys our dances...

 Even if they don't always dance

 Clearly, these guys were not going to sit it out

 But you can still dance from the sidelines

 Do you think Brother Santiago is telling a good story?

 These are the controls

 And this is the controller, Brother Bean, with an admirer 

A lovely evening for an outdoor dance

Do you have a question, or is that a dance move?

That's a lot of joy!

It just wouldn't be SNAP without the Chicken Dance

Sister Norris joined right in

Swing your partner

I think Brother Welsh learned his chicken-dance moves in Tahiti 

Yeah, like this

This is so much fun

Barbara Ann; ba ba, ba-Barbara Ann

Even Brother Bean joined in

This was Emily's first time at SNAP as a youth leader

Sisters Woodard and Geurts had the refreshments under control

The sun has faded and...

It's time to go home

Many thanks to Brother Bean and all who helped and participated. It was another fun evening.