As the sun went down on Thursday night, 1 October, SNAP friends poured out of the Locust Lane Chapel in search of bits and bobs from nature with which to make a collage. The search was successful and back in the cultural hall, we arranged and pasted our natural treasures on paper. When we had finished, Sister Chambers led us in some fun group activities.
The adventure begins
Look -- there is some stuff here
Gathering bits from nature
Sure, we can pause for a picture
Always willing to help
Wild and crazy guys
Wild and crazy gals
The sun has set; it's time to go back in
Brother Geurts raided his flower beds for us
Irresistible choices
I'll start with these
Sister Burns giving some encouragement
Wow, that's a lot of pine cones
You can choose any of these things
This was Sam's second time at SNAP
Sister Bohn explains some possibilities
Someone is a tease
Lots of good stuff to choose from
Who put Robert up to this?
It was nice to meet Brother and Sister Cook
Brother Geurts' purple flowers were a hit
So, what do you think?
Orihah's natural hat made everyone laugh
Sister Chambers let the good time roll
You put your wheelchair in, you put your wheelchair do the Hokey Pokey
The chicken dance
More chicken dancers
It's fun to stay at the YMCA
Thanks to all who planned and executed this activity, and thanks to all our enthusiastic SNAP friends who came and made it such a fun time.