Sunday, November 15, 2015

SNAP-Twister and Dance Party

Thursday night, 12 November, SNAP friends gathered for an evening of fun. We played  a modified version of Twister and had a dance. This was all coordinated by Elder and Sister Johns to highlight the SNAP program for a church photographer. There were other visitors from church headquarters as well as some visitors from the American Fork SNAP program.

 Ready for Twister?

 Yes, we are

 What's next?


 Two on blue

 Two thumbs up

 Good times

 Orihah's enthusiasm is contagious

 What did Brother Santiago say?

 Go ahead and take it

 That was fun ...

... Now let's dance 

 Feel the beat

 Let yourself go

 No shortage of friends here

 Shake it up

 That's enthusiasm

 Dance with us

 Feeling happy

 Move to the music


 Lights added some color to the dance

 Awesome moves

 Shall we sit this one out?


Thanks to all who made this activity so much fun. Special thanks to Brother Leishman who took photos in the absence of the webmaster, who was sorry to miss such a great time.