Friday, December 4, 2015

Wild Animals

The Locust Lane building was filled with the sights and sounds of wild animals on Thursday evening, 3 December. Sarah from Wild Wonders animal rescue brought some of her animal friends and shared them with us. We were able to touch and pet most of them, and some of us even got to hold them! We finished the activity with a game where we tried to figure out what wild-animal noises we were hearing.

Sister Woodard explained what we would be doing

 Sarah was ready


 They have prickly quills so they won't get eaten

 They roll up into a ball to protect themselves

 They are awfully cute

 Chinchillas have super-soft fur

 Much softer than the hedgehog

 Feel that soft fur


 This one didn't smell

 Cuddly little guy

 This red fox has an unusual silver coat

 This fox just wanted to play

 Almost like a puppy

 This cockatoo no longer has breast feathers, but his crown is magnificent

 AND he likes to cuddle

 Yes, like that

 This huge rabbit weighs 15 pounds!

 We could pet him if we chose because he didn't move much

 This boa constrictor sent several people running from the room

 Not everyone is afraid of snakes

 In fact, some people really like them

 Sister Cook was the animal-soundmeister

Some were easy, some were harder to identify

 We got it right!

 We matched the cards with sounds

It was a fun game!

This was such a great activity. Thanks to everyone who planned it and a special thanks to Sarah for bringing her animals.

Photos from the Pinewood Derby have been posted. Go back to the November 4 post to see them.