Balloon Volleyball and Other Fun

Thursday night SNAP friends played balloon volleyball, human bowling, human foosball, and a tiny bit of Simon Says. The cultural hall was filled with shrieks of laughter and warm bodies!

 We always start in the "gathering room"

 Brother Winegar explains how to play the game

 Ready and waiting for the balloon


 Up it goes

 Down it comes

 A game of catch on the sidelines

 Good catch!

 It's up there somewhere

 Caught you with a mouth full of water

 Headed for a strike

 Let 'er roll

 Split seconds before contact

 Hmm -- maybe I won't hit them at all

 A strike!

 An energetic push

 Nice style

 Can we roll?

 Well done

 That ball was everywhere

 Somebody is very enthusiastic

 Two balls?

 Give it a mighty kick

 Anybody want a drink of water?

 Simon says, "touch your nose"

 Simon says, "Go to sleep"

Okay, come and get some water

Another great activity. Thanks everyone.