Thursday night, Laura Harper came to SNAP to lead us in an hour of yoga. She has strong ties to Africa and the yoga workout was set to a fun story about the animals and plants there. We finished the evening with some healthy veggie snacks. We had an excellent crowd on such a cold and wet night.
We started the evening with a hymn
Sister Woodard helped us think about goals and resolutions
With her shoes off, Laura is ready to start
Some help with the mic for hands-free yoga
Moving like the grasses in Africa
Good stretch
Brother Burns helps
We can squeeze some conversation into this workout
Bother Welsh was very relaxed
Belly to the floor
Somebody had a birthday
They may have all gone to sleep
A few good positions from the yoga pot
No sweets tonight
But that was fine with everybody
After an hour of yoga, what's wrong with a little more floor time?
Thanks to everyone for coming. Very special thanks to Laura Harper for spending her evening with us. We had a great time.