Getting Ready For 
Our Mother's Day Celebration
We worked the entire night preparing for next week's Mothers' Day Party. Our first project was the Invitations to be taken to the women in our lives who do so much for us. The Santiagos created a lovely one for us to color and take home.
Next Sis Rebecca Wirsch, with the help of Sister Isabella Ng and our wonderful Youth Leaders used pom poms, colorful paper and lots of glue to create some most beautiful cards expressing their love and appreciation. These cards will be given out next week at our party.
Then with the help of Brother and Sister Andreason and Bro Dennis Ng and some stowaway snails (yuck) we made teacup flower arrangements that will be our gifts to the Mothers.
Even with all of this busy production, some of our Participants found the time to play a few games.
One last preparation was practicing the songs we would sing honoring our Mothers, thanks to Brother and Sister Naumann sharing their talents with us.
Can't wait until next week!