President Hinckley's Granddaughter

This past week we were privileged to have Sister Ann Hinckley Rowan one of 25 grandchildren of President and Sister Hinckley speak to us.

Her grandfather's testimony was cemented when he attended his first conference Prieshood session when he was 12
She spoke of how he was discouraged on his mission and coulee he received from his father to forget himself and get to work. 

Sister Rowan shared experiences with her grandfather including once a month family home evenings with cousins and pink mints. 

She told us that her grandpa was actually quite shy and would often take a back seat at family gatherings. 

Her grandpa never missed important family events. Every year her grandparents would have a grand children's Christmas party. No adults allowed. 

When Sister Rowan was 18 years old when her grandfather became president of the church. 

We learned that President Hinckley was a really hard worker, he walked on his treadmill every day and took fitness bands with him when he traveled. 

He was famous for being early, he loved to laugh and her grandparents were optimists.

Thank you Sister Rowan for sharing these special memories with us.