Disney Night at SNAP

 Our wonderful world of Disney turned out to be a wonderful night for us. 
Mickey was there to greet everyone as they came. He wanted to take his picture with us. He knows what it takes to be famous...hang out with the right people.

After opening exercises we divided into teams and played name that tune with Bro Naumann singing one line, or two if needed, of a Disney tune. He could hardly get one or two words out before half the room raised their hands to guess. Sis Naumann played the notes for the songs.

Then we played Disney Scene It and didn't have much trouble at all identifying the movies.

We went into the cultural hall and the girls (Fairy Godmothers) turned Erin into Cinderella and the boys made Scott Into Peter Pan  with crepe paper and plastic tablecloths. We were dazzled with the outcome. With time left they all wanted one more round of "Name That Tune" Our treat cups reminded us of Frozen, Sleeping Beauty and Finding Nemo. 

Remember, "A dream is a wish your heart makes."