SNAP friends begin to arrive
Breanna conducted the Locust-Lane group opening
Brother Burns explained the activity at the Apple Chapel
Not quite enough players
This problem was solved by...
"Crossing over into Canaan"
Some creative costuming
Captive in Egypt
This guy will help you to the promised land
We were happy to have Sam, Brother and Sister Burns' son, visit
Each of the four groups rehearsed its play
Everybody had a part to play
Look what you can do with a towel and cord
Some folks simply love to help
Brother Leishman set David up with a sling shot
These guys are pretty cute
He actually ended up playing Pharaoh and did so well that he brought down the house
The Israelites march around Jerico
They sound their trumpets
And after a mighty shout, the walls came tumbling down
Enjoying the other groups while they wait their turn
A proud Philistine warrior and famous shepherd boy wait their turn
Daniel and the king
An angel protects Daniel from the fierce lions
The performances were certainly applause-worthy
Moses and the Pharoah
Moses puts his staff into the Red Sea
It parted and the Israelites passed through on dry ground
But Pharaoh and the Egyptians were swallowed up
David hears Goliath's challenge
David's stone hits the mark and Goliath falls
Brother Burns wraps it up
Refreshments are served
Friends who help
There was popcorn too
So fun to be together
These ladies always manage to have fun
The Taylors were happy to be back with our SNAP friends
This great activity really took off and everyone had a terrific time. It was super-fun and the actors all did such a good job.