Friday, June 26, 2015

June Dance

Brother Bean came again on Thursday, 25 June, to play tunes for another fun SNAP dance. It is always fun to get together, but a dance is extra fun!

 Some people are super-friendly

 Crank up those tunes

 Let the fun begin

 Now that's pure joy

 Swing your partner

 Brother Bean is the best

 Plenty of tunes to choose from

 Fancy dancin'

 Is this dancing?

 We need someone with a green lanyard for this photo

 Here, take one of us

 Such a good time

 Unbounded energy

 The hall was rockin'

 It was really nice to see Sister Codner again

 Who is going to swing whom?

 That Brother Welsh is a riot

 The Chicken Dance is always a crowd pleaser

 If everybody had an ocean...

 Let it go, let it go...

 Refreshments are served!

 The adult leaders are great

These ladies are pretty funny

 It's fun to stay...

 At the YMCA

That's a wrap: last dance of the evening

Thanks to Brother Bean who is always so generous with his time, and to the leaders who put this fun activity together.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Father's Day Barbecue

On Thursday evening, 18 June, the pavilion at the Locust Lane chapel was the venue for a special dinner to honor our fathers. Our fathers, grandfathers, or special guests joined us for hamburgers, chips, baked beans, potato salad, watermelon, and ice cream. Brother Leishman took pictures of us with our dads or guests, and we had lots of fun visiting with SNAP friends. We were happy to see Elder and Sister Johns again, and it was nice to meet their guest, President Brian Merrill of the Sandy Crescent Ridge Stake. Brother and Sister Thorn, new adult leaders, were with us for the first time. Following are pictures of us and our dads or guests:

 The adult leaders get the meal ready to serve

 A chance to visit before dinner

 Opening the activity

 Welcome to Sister and Brother Thorn

 Dinner is served

 President Merrill, Elder Johns, and Brother Welsh

 There was plenty to eat

 We were glad to have so many special guests join us

 It's great to eat and visit with friends

 Brother Leishman took pictures that will be given to us soon as a remembrance of the evening

 We love seeing Sister Johns

A heart-felt thanks to the Burns and all the adult leaders who made this such a pleasant evening. We enjoyed being together outside on such beautiful evening.