Thursday, February 26, 2015

Yoga and Healthy Snacks

Thursday evening, 26 February, everyone met at the Locust Lane building for an evening of yoga and healthy snacks (not pictured). Marin Smith put us through our paces. After our gathering meeting, we met in the cultural hall where the fun began.

 Cami conducted 

 Aimee played

 Happy together

Andrea is happy to be there

 Marin Smith was the yoga instructor

 Sister Burns looks relaxed

 I don't think Brother Welsh looks that funny

 Getting centered

Yoga puts a smile on your face

 Happy time

 Extend those legs

 Perfectly limber

 Now those are some splits

As are those

 Nice balance

This is the famous yoga doughnut position

Bend and stretch

 Pretty in pink

 No chair required

 We've got this

 Somebody isn't pushing up -- we can see you

 This floor isn't very soft

 Touch those toes

 See my shoe?

That's a good sole, too

Now that is what you call stretching

 See, Sister Burns, do it like this

 That bad, huh?

We're not sure that's a yoga position

 Two graces -- what happened to the third grace?

 This will do, won't it?

Good times

You will just have to imagine the healthy snacks and believe they were good. Thanks again to Brother Leishman for filling in as photographer. And many thanks to Marin Smith for joining with us and helping us have a great yoga session.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Storytellers and Puppeteers

On 19 February, all our SNAP friends gathered at the Locust Lane building for an evening of stories, puppets, making our own puppets, and our own puppet shows. Miss Heather and Miss Teddy joined us and shared stories and puppet performances. We started in the gathering room and the ladies read stories and then put on a puppet show. After the show, we went to the cultural hall to create our own puppets and do our own puppet shows.

 Ready to start

 It's great to be with our friends

 Look into my eyes

 Sister Leishman gets the evening started

 Looks like it will be fun

 Yup, fun

 Who is still coming in?

 Miss Teddy and Miss Heather

 Miss Teddy shared a story

Shake the wiggles out

Not just fun, good exercise too

Keep things moving

 Everyone had fun

 It made us laugh

 And smile

 And giggle

 Very exciting

 A king and his castle

Puppet-building supplies

 Puppet fun

When pigs fly

 A bird in the hand...

Golden curls

 Those are some ears

Not fair: Serena let Brother Burns take her picture

What a great evening! Thanks to Brother Leishman and Brother Burns for taking pictures.