Saturday, April 25, 2015

Dance With DJ

Thursday evening, 23 April, the SNAP gang met for a dance with Brother Bean, our favorite DJ. It is so fun to be together, and when we dance we really let loose!

 If it's Thursday, it is time for SNAP

 And we are glad to be here

 Let's dance

 This is great

 Feel that music

 Good moves

 Having a good time

 Here, let me dance with you


 Sister Leishman is our friend

 This is a fun bunch

 Serious dancers

 I know, right?

 I get by with a little help from my friends

 It is great of Brother Bean to come

 Here, give me a lift

Ready to move

 We know how to have fun

 Swing your partner

 That's just about everybody

 We like the music DJ chooses

 The refreshments are almost ready

Some people can eat and dance at the same time
Refreshments make it even better
 A short break

  And a moment to rest

 But there is still time to dance

And we certainly did!

Thanks to everyone who made this such a great activity, especially Sister Norris, who was in charge. The webmaster is particularly grateful to Brother Leishman for taking photos so this post could magically appear all the way from Arizona.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fun with Science

Thursday, 16 April, we all gathered with our SNAP friends at the Locust Lane building for fun adventures with science. Sister Leishman played the mad scientist and showed how carnations take on water. And when the water is colored, it changes the color of the flower! She also showed us how to make elephant tooth paste. Brother and Sister Santiago showed us how air pressure turns a wimpy straw into a sharp implement that will pierce a potato. They also showed us how air pressure will keep a ping-pong ball suspended in air. Brother and Sister Wride made bubbling lava lamps with oil, water, food coloring, and salt. Sister Taylor showed us how to write invisible messages with lemon juice. The lemon juice contains carbon that turns brown when it is heated and the message suddenly becomes visible. Sister Norris showed us how to make our own silly putty with Borax, Elmer's glue, food coloring, and a little water. Brother Leishman taught us why an egg will float in salty water, and the Geurts demonstrated how air pressure will launch a rocket. Meanwhile, outside, Brother Burns created an explosion by mixing soda pop with Mentos.

 Orihah led the music

 Cami conducted our opening gathering

 The mad scientist was funny

 The carnations take on the color of the water

 An assistant was required for the next experiment

 A strong chemical reaction

 Yup, it looks like elephant tooth paste

 Take a bow

 Without trapped air, the straw won't penetrate

 But if you seal the end with your finger, the straw goes in like a knife

 Perfect holes

 Two balls!

 Watch this

 That ball was spinning

 Brother Wride explains how to make a lava lamp

 Sister Wride continues the instructions

 Watch for the bubbles

 Here they come

 A few drops of green food coloring

 Sister Taylor with the invisible ink

 Using a hair dryer to blow the message dry

 So it can be revealed with a hot iron

 It works every time

 Sister Wride gave good instructions for the silly putty

 Stir in the food coloring

 When it is ready, pull it out and roll it

 This one will be pink

 All you need is water, salt, and eggs

 See, it floats

 Have you ever been to the Great Salt Lake?

 It's the high salt content that makes you float

 What goes up, must come down

 Got it!

 A mighty stomp!

 Serena holds the bottle while Brother Burns inserts the Mentos

 And that's what happens

 Pretty exciting

It's nice to be with friends

We had a great time. Thanks to Sister Leishman who was in charge of this fun activity, and thanks to the adult leaders for providing the experiements.