Friday, January 29, 2016

Balloon Volleyball and Other Fun

Thursday night SNAP friends played balloon volleyball, human bowling, human foosball, and a tiny bit of Simon Says. The cultural hall was filled with shrieks of laughter and warm bodies!

 We always start in the "gathering room"

 Brother Winegar explains how to play the game

 Ready and waiting for the balloon


 Up it goes

 Down it comes

 A game of catch on the sidelines

 Good catch!

 It's up there somewhere

 Caught you with a mouth full of water

 Headed for a strike

 Let 'er roll

 Split seconds before contact

 Hmm -- maybe I won't hit them at all

 A strike!

 An energetic push

 Nice style

 Can we roll?

 Well done

 That ball was everywhere

 Somebody is very enthusiastic

 Two balls?

 Give it a mighty kick

 Anybody want a drink of water?

 Simon says, "touch your nose"

 Simon says, "Go to sleep"

Okay, come and get some water

Another great activity. Thanks everyone.

Friday, January 22, 2016

History Night

Thursday evening, 21 January, we met for an evening of history. Our leaders created five presentations or activities centered on some important figures from American history. The five included Harriet Tubman, Helen Keller, Clara Barton, Martin Luther King, and George Washington. Harriet Tubman was an African-American abolitionist, humanitarian, and a Union spy. during the American Civil War. Helen Keller was an American author, political activist, and lecturer. She was the first deafblind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree. Clara Barton was a pioneering nurse who founded the American Red Cross. She worked as a hospital nurse in the American Civil War, and as a teacher and patent clerk. Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. And of course, George Washington was the first President of the United States, the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

 Sister Woodard explains how the evening will work

 Sister Wirsch told us about Harriet Tubman

 She was dressed for the part

 Good stories

 We learned something new

 Brother and Sister Winegar told us about Helen Keller

 Helen Keller overcame her disabilities

 These ladies played Helen Keller and her teacher Annie Sullivan

 The Leishmans told us about Clara Barton

 Brother Leishman seems pleased to run the projector

 Sister Leishman narrated the presentation

 Brother Burns told us about Martin Luther King, Jr.

 The day we celebrate Dr. King's birthday was just this week

 Brother Burns' presentation included some historic images

 Sister Woodard had some interesting facts about George Washington that were revealed in a game

 If you think the statement about George Washington is true, stand against this wall -- 
false against the other wall

 Sometimes we just had to guess

 But we did have to choose

 A fun visitor all the way from Baltimore

 Sisters Taylor and Santiago had cookies ready for us to take away

Thanks to everyone who came, and thanks to the leaders who made it all happen. It was a fun evening.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Geology and Rockhounds

Thursday night SNAP friends met for a geology-based activity. Jim Baird  brought some of his rock collection to show us and he explained how fun geology can be. After his presentation, we moved to the cultural hall for some fun "geology" activities. There was a mining activity where we were given money to purchase tools and we were able to mine for chocolate chips. The Chambers made a couple of batches of quicksand from cornstarch. It is crazy stuff! There were two pools with kinetic sand, which is also weird stuff. The last table was filled with magnets of every sort for us to play with.

 We always begin with a hymn

 Brother Baird's collection

 The Joys of Geology

 A large chunk of bassalt

 It's OK to touch

 Brother and Sister Baird

 Brother Leishman was the banker; Sister Winegar was the store keeper

 Purchasing mining tools

 We're in the money!

 Mining for chocolate chips

 Messy but tasty

 Happy miners

 Two batches of cornstarch quicksand

 Brother Chambers is a wicked-awesome juggler -- with cornstarch!

 This stuff is weird

 It can't decide if it is a liquid or solid

 Friends at the sand pools

 This stuff acts strange, too

 It molds and shapes just fine

 But then it oozes

 Good times

 All manner of magnets

 That sphere is great

 Who knew you could have such fun with magnets

Magnets repel magnets

The adult leaders have fun, too

A big thanks to the Bairds and to all the leaders who created and managed the activities. It was a fun evening at SNAP.